Monday, 15 June 2015

22 Things I Learned from Jurassic World

1. Genetic engineering is a noble pursuit.

2. All nannies are British.

3. All teenagers make sexually charged eye contact with one another.

4. Brilliant geneticists dress like Steve Jobs.

5. Being in the Navy prepares you for being a dinosaur-whisperer.

6. Chris Pratt smells.

7. Women with high-powered jobs are no good at dating, child-rearing, or their high-powered jobs.

8. Island-owning billionaires will do and say whatever the plot requires of them at any particular moment.

9. Jurassic World patrons don’t mind their phones getting splashed.

10. Jurassic World patrons are very protective of their margaritas.

11 Jurassic World patrons are happy to wait patiently on the docks while all manner of devastating craziness goes on around them.

12. …No wait – genetic engineering is diabolical and misguided.

13. At the end of the jungle there’s always a waterfall.

14. Children are brilliant car mechanics, and cars abandoned for years will run fine with a little TLC.

15. The US military thinks sending raptors to hunt terrorists is a good idea.

16. Pterodactyls unexpectedly freed from captivity will use their newfound independence to violently peck at helicopter pilots and tourists.

17. Don’t send a heavily armed containment team to do Chris Pratt’s job.

18. …Ok, so some genetic engineering for grossly commercialised purposes is groovy, but it’s crossing the line to go full Frankensplice, or to get the military involved. But if it's being benignly used to sell T-shirts and giant cokes to teenagers, then go for it.

19. 'How fast have you clocked the T-Rex?'
'You know how fast a grown woman can run in three-inch heels? Just a little shy of that.'

20. Even velociraptors can pull a Han Solo.

21. Three deus ex machinas is three deus ex machinas too many.

22. Four Jurassic Park movies is three Jurassic Park movies too many.

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