1. Briefings by hard-ass DEA agents are always delivered while disembarking a military plane.
2. Drug warehouses have less security than a local supermarket.
3. Uniform cops always take reading material with them to the bathroom.
4. Goatees require hair stylists.
5. South American criminal overlords, invariably played by Joachim de Almeida, are getting dumber by the year.
6. Police in Rio are equipped with top-of-the-line cruisers (for a refutation, see Elite Squad).
7. Female criminals, trained by Mossad, are only good for wearing bikinis and getting groped.
8. Car thieves aren’t bad guys, just misunderstood.
9. Brazilians aren’t misunderstood, they’re just all bad guys.
10. Eliding nearly all muscle car races from a series that has built a reputation (albeit infamous) on such things is a witty, but risky, approach.
11. The DEA have access to technology that can see through masks and scan entire cities in seconds, yet insist on transporting stolen criminal assets on unprotected passenger trains.
12. If wearing a vest were acting, Vin Diesel would be nominated for an academy award.
13. If sweating were acting, Dwayne Johnson’s head would win an academy award.
14. If having blue eyes were acting, Paul Walker would, well, still be a confused-looking beach bum.
15. Favela da Rocinha in Rio is swarming with the heroes of stalling franchises, and contractually requires sweeping helicopter shots every five minutes (see also, The Incredible Hulk and the forthcoming Twilight: Breaking Dawn).
16. With pregnancy comes solidarity.
17. Taking part in a horrendously dangerous and destructive heist won’t cost you your job with law enforcement.
18. Six codas is five codas too many.
19. After directing three of these films, Justin Lin has finally figured out how to smash one car into another car (and – preferably – smash that car into another car into a bridge into another car and into a bad guy, and into another car).
20. This film makes the Nicolas Cage Gone In Sixty Seconds look like the Nicolas Cage Drive Angry 3D. And as if that wasn’t enough to recommend it, it doesn’t star Nicolas Cage.
21. Driving irresponsibly isn’t just cool, it’s heroic.
22. Fast Five, Fast and Furious Five, Rio Heist: whatever you call it, five is this franchise’s lucky number.